ATTENTION WOMEN who want a flat tummy and firm body in as little as 12 minutes a day...
Discover How Frustrated Women That Are Fed Up With a Squishy Unattractive Body Are Using This Simple Body Sculpting Tip To Reshape, Reenergize and Flatten Their Tummy In Just 21 Days...
Without ever having to leave the comfort of your home or restrict yourself from eating your favorite foods!
WARNING: If You Think You're Doomed To A Life Of An Out of Shape, Flabby Soft Body...Read On...
"Ma'am Don't Move"
"I can't breathe..."
"I...can't feel my legs...they aren't moving"
"Ma'am, the Ambulance is taking you to the emergency room"
These were the terrifying words from the fireman before I collapsed, wedged between the steering wheel and the drivers seat...falling in an out of consciousness, gazing at a cracked, shattered windshield..
The streets were crowded with red and blue flashing lights, howling sounds of sirens and people's voices conversing if the person in the car is going to live.
And then there was a deathly silence...

I woke up in the hospital bruised and disoriented. The doctor walked in to explain I had been in a horrific car accident. Miraculously I walked away with only air bag burns and full body bruising, lucky to be alive.
Although I was dazed and confused I was released and sent home with my husband and young son.
The next day I didn't believe his crushing words...that lead me to respond...
"WAIT!!! Just tell me why, we've been married for 15 years, what are you saying?"
If you've ever been married or even in a relationship...
Then you can only imagine the heart-breaking devastated feeling I experienced when my husband of 15 years revealed he was leaving me.
It left me curled in the corner on the floor crying uncontrollably.
His last words were...

"I Remember You Used To Be Attractive and Skinny"
I lost complete feeling in my body...
I was numb in shock...
Hopeless and broken...
Still in the daze of the words he blurted out, he walked right past me...
Suitcase in hand as he voiced the words that cut through my heart like a cold heavy steel knife...

"I'm Filing For Divorce"
That was 5 years ago.
I never thought I'd be the person with a broken marriage...
It was frowned on by my family with a Hispanic background…there I sat, an outcast from family and friends.
Left to raise my son alone...
And even worse, I was mad at myself for falling for all those diets, pills and potions that most women bought into even though I knew better.
His words rang through my head for months...
- Every time I stepped out of the shower, catching a glimpse of my frumpy, out-of-shape body in the mirror.
- Squeezing into yoga pants or sucking in my belly to zip up my pants getting ready to take my son to school.
- After crying my eyes out for what seemed an eternity, and as I dove into a plethora of fast food, ice cream and as many chips as I was able to stuff in my mouth.

- And even as I tried eating healthier [only to throw out the food or give it to my dog because I couldn't stomach the taste of bland boring food.]
...His hurtful words rang in my head. What really bothered me was that there was an element of truth to those awful words...I had lost my figure.
Had it not been for my son, I would not be here today.
What happened next changed my life forever....

Just a few months later my sister and I took my son to a water park for his birthday.
We usually run from slide to slide, plunging into a big pool of cool water.
This time it was different…
The embarrassment and thought of getting into a swimsuit gave me anxiety and my stress levels shot through the roof.
I had spent the last few months depressed, eating tacos and chips. Numbing the pain from my broken marriage and injuries from my car accident.
But I made the promise to my son for his birthday.
I found the longest shorts I could possibly find without them looking like pants and an oversized shirt with a picture of a cat on it to cover the belly fat.
The look on my son’s face broke my heart…
"Mom, what happened...I remember you use to look skinny like that lady over there"
Gazing up to take note of the lady he was admiring…
There she was....
An enchanting woman in a yellow bikini…
Beautiful…Fit Toned shape, Radiating Health, Happiness and Enjoying life playing with her kids, glowing in a goddess like aura.
All eyes around mesmerized by her captivating beauty and poise as though she held the key to a secret neither one of us average folk knew.
I broke…
Shattered, Dead inside…hiding the tears holding back from the anxiety consuming me at that very moment.
I told my sister I'd be right back...
I had to get out…I wanted to run…run as fast and as far away as I could from everything.
Seconds later…sat in my car, head slumped down and cried for what seemed to be an eternity.
That's When the Soul-Crushing Reality Finally Hit...
I knew I had gained weight in the last few months from the car accident that almost left me paralyzed and depressed from a broken marriage.
The anxiety and stress levels shot through the roof, forcing my belly to store fat and cellulite pockets to sit deep into my butt, hips and thighs.
And the embarrassment from the water park, forced me to run out of that park to sit in my car and cry for hours.
I knew I had hit rock bottom.
…This led to my research that uncovered the secret Body Beauty Tip the woman in yellow probably knew about all along. It's the discovery of how I claimed my positive self-image, recovering from my broken marriage and how I dropped 41 pounds and saved myself from a life of disease and diabetes.
The secret I discovered I now feel compelled to share with you today...
Not only did I get my sexy back and find my confidence, but through my study I became an expert practitioner in the field.
I never would have guessed that something called Pilates was my answer to a tight and toned body and feeling like my sexy attractive self again.
To my greater surprise, Pilates turned out to be the 'pee your pants' solution that I also needed after having my son.
Truth Is…You’ve probably heard practicing Pilates is a great way for women to flatten their tummies, firm their booty, lean and sculpt their bodies and get a sexy physique.
…And a way to release tight muscles, eliminate cellulite and release stressful hormones.
Yet, I’d be willing to bet if you’re currently practicing Pilates, you're probably not experiencing any of these amazing benefits that Pilates offers.
But before I tell you how the simple tip transformed my life I want to show you....
How to AVOID these 3 Mistakes You're About to See...
Learning the powerful nuance and tips of my Pilates journey has helped me to help so many women.
And…don’t worry, if you’re one of the millions of women that...
“Have fallen victim to any of these common mistakes", it happened to me, you’re certainly not alone.
I have some good news…they’re easily preventable.
Mistake #1
Still Doing Traditional Sit-ups and Crunches
Look, I get it! Everyone is doing them. I see this every time I walk into a big box gym, as I flip through a fitness magazine or on social media platforms.
Have you ever woken up with a sore neck or a tight lower back? Those traditional exercises have been associated with chronic back pain and ZERO results.
Improper alignment and movement creates the unnecessary pain you feel with doing too many crunches and sit-ups with bad form.
Unfortunately, you aren't getting anywhere with these type of back breaking sit-ups.
PLUS, you weaken your pelvic floor muscles with repetitive non-specific abdominal movements.

As a matter of fact, this recent study supports the use of Pilates to strengthen your core and prevent low back disorders.

It's certainly not worth the risk!
I remember doing hundreds of sit-ups and crunches years ago that only lead to aggravating the bulging disc in my back and I'd pee every time I had to sneeze because my pelvic floor was so weak.
You see, specific Pilates moves strengthens the pelvic floor WHICH acts as a hammock of muscles that connect the pubis bone to the front of the tailbone. It supports the bladder, reproductive organs and rectum.
STRENGTHENING THE PELVIC FLOOR prevents you from peeing your pants when you sneeze, jump or laugh.
Traditional sit-ups and crunches doesn't have the capability to hit these intricate muscles no matter how hard you try. So all the time you're wasting doing them aren't providing you the necessary foundation and strength to sculpt a tight midsection.
PLUS, research shows it'll take over right hours of sit-ups to burn the 3,500 calories needed to lose one pound of fat.
In fact, the shorter, more targeted ab specific exercises I'm about to share are proven to burn just the right amount of calories and stubborn bely fat to reveal the tight lean midsection you've always dreamed about.
Save time, effort and energy! I know you're busy with a hectic schedule and you need a solution that provides REAL TIME SAVINGS RESULTS!
By performing specific Pilates in a series of progressive flows, that's uniquely tailored to you as a woman, your strength, your capabilities, your experience and your goals to effectively burn belly fat and tighten your core!
"Keep reading for my simple body beauty tip to a Sexy Body"
Mistake #2
Long Cardio Workouts Causes A Belly FAT Muffin Top
If you still believe that you have to get on the treadmill, elliptical, or run miles to get a sexy tight tummy, you are dead WRONG.
Cardio workouts are very stressful on women over 35 and destroys your metabolism, attacks your thyroid and instantly sends your cortisol levels soaring.
When your cortisol levels rise, it signals distress in your body forcing your metabolism to eat away at itself and force fat directly toward your belly.

This stress hormone Cortisol, caused havoc in my body, after my car accident, broken marriage and years of doing the wrong exercises.
The more stress on your metabolism and hormones from doing long slow workouts the higher chance you are to gain and hold the weight in the worst problem areas for women...
As a matter of fact, this stress hormone caused fat storage problems in my clients Stacy, Brigette and myself....

Whether we realize it or not, the old school thought of treadmill workouts or mind numbing hours on an elliptical can contribute to raising your stress hormones, along with your chances of gaining unflattering weight."
Even worse, it can weaken your heart, accelerate aging and form premature wrinkles.
In order to reduce the cortisol stress levels, avoid cellulite belly fat and get the body tightening, tummy flatten and booty firming experience...
You need a stress-free active Pilates experience…free of the common concerns and worries that women are taking in hormone damaging long slow workouts.
Mistake #3
Dieting Switches ON Your Belly Fat Storage
This is especially crucial if you are over 35 years old.
Over 90% of diets fail because they put extreme stress on your body and internal organs.
Unfortunately, the trendy diet methods of liquid diets and starving yourself ruins your metabolism and disrupts your bodies ability to balance your hormones causing you to gain weight instead of losing it.

However, your body is meant to be properly fueled and nourished. Truth is you have to eat to keep your hormones balanced and your metabolism firing to shed the stubborn fat.
I personally fell into this trap, I stopped eating and starved myself. It did more have than good. My thyroid and hormones were completely out of balance causing me to get sick and pack on weight. My metabolism slowed down and I was storing belly fat at an alarming rate.
You see, in order to eat the foods you enjoy and still get a tight midsection and lean body is to...
Perform targeted sequenced movements so that you burn calories throughout the day.
So, if you're tired of being deprived of the foods you really love and you aren't seeing the body firming results, then read on...
Women Are Unknowingly Making These Mistakes Every Single Day...
I feel compelled to share them with you, because I see far too many women being lied to and falling victim to them every single day.
You see, I now specialize in sharing the Body Beauty Tips Pilates has to offer.
Unfortunately, all these Flat Out LIES have ruined your body!

I know how frustrating it may be after being lied to by the media and fitness experts for years, but in order to finally get a fit sexy body and shed the body fat, you must accept this one thing...
It's NOT Your Fault!
All these lies have caused you to:
- Gain weight in the worst female problem areas
- Trigger ugly cellulite belly fat stress levels
- End up with injuries, constant back pain and a flabby belly
- Pee in your pants when you jump, laugh or sneeze
The ONLY reason you don't have the Sexy Lean Toned Body you've always dreamed about is because you've never been told about the specific Women's ONLY conditions working AGAINST you and forcing your body to store fat instead of burning it off for energy.
It's no wonder women End Up Quitting before they start seeing a change.
However, you're about to discover the simple Body Beauty Pilates tips worked for me and for my clients, just take a look...
Tested and Proven

“Can you picture how much Slimmer, Tighter, Toned and Sexier You’ll feel when you’re progressing each day?”
My Pilates program is specifically tailored for you to use without fancy
or expensive equipment.
There’s a way of doing Pilates that accomplishes all of this.
You'll eliminate your belly fat completely, firm a saggy booty, get a sexier physique and you will STOP PEEING YOUR PANTS and so much more...
And it's called...
Body Beauty Power Flow™
Body Beauty Power Flow® is a way of doing the right series of Pilates moves for the right amount of reps in proper form, in the right flow, to correctly challenge your body without compromising the moves.”

So you get the most out of your workout every single time you do Pilates”
The Body Beauty Power Flow® is the Core of Pilates.
And it’s been kept away from you for years in expensive, exclusive studios that are out of reach for most women.
“I’ve Got Great News For You”
“Finally, there is a breakthrough, step-by-step Pilates approach that you can do at home with NO equipment.
It is specifically designed to deliver women the most fun, progressive and results-driven Pilates experience possible…
I’d like to introduce you to "Bodyweight Pilates”

The only program designed to strengthen you from the inside out, flatten your tummy, firm your booty and sculpt your body.
“A Pilates system Designed Exclusively for Women”
Bodyweight Pilates IS FOR You...
- Even if you're an absolute beginner
- Even if you don't feel strong enough or lean enough
- Already a Pilates enthusiast, looking for a challenge and are more advanced in your practice.
Bodyweight Pilates IS NOT..
- Is not a series of boring moves where you just lay on the floor on your back doing nothing or waste money on fancy equipment
“That promises you energizing body-firming exercises but Delivers NO Results!"
- It's definitely not the classical boring workout with the same moves repeated over again with no progression
"That makes you want to pull your hair out!"
NO, you don’t need another under-promised, fancy equipment,
generic, mainstream approach to Pilates, designed for everyone,
that often works for no one….
It's finally time for a program specifically designed
for you as a woman!

To help you, flatten your tummy, firm your booty and give you the fit sexy body you've always wanted.
You'll use the Body Beauty Flow movements designed for you as a woman to dramatically improve your posture, walk taller and leaner just like some of the most beautiful ballet dancers strong fit bodies.
Improved health, agility and increased metabolic health.
A feeling of being beautiful and confident.
Along with the confidence at work, be healthier and a positive role model for your family, and keep you active and strong in your personal life.

And...that's not all
I’ve leveraged my over 20-years of Pilates experience and the embarrassment of my own stress induced cellulite and belly fat in designing this program for you…
So that you can also expect Bodyweight Pilates to effectively give you:
- The confidence to laugh, sneeze or even jump without fear of peeing your pants
- Ease of weight loss without any ridiculously restrictive dieting or mind numbing cardio
- A lean flat tummy and the coveted firm and plump Pilates Booty
- Tightening, Firming and sculpting your entire body
- All without ever having to step foot inside a pricey studio or overcrowded gym class
- The beauty of my Pilates program is in the transitioning from one movement to the next. Due to my expert program design, there is NO NEED to add long boring cortisol inducing cardio. You'll release the hormones that make you feel happy and also help release stubborn fat while doing my Body Beauty Pilates.
Bodyweight Pilates is a convenient; super easy to follow system of progressive Pilates movements. Over the course of 6 weeks, you will use video series in the comfort and privacy of your own home, so you will benefit from everything that Pilates has to offer...
Here's a sneak peek at how it works:
Quickstart Guide
Getting Started with the Quickstart Guide
Nothing is more frustrating than when you get a new program only to get overwhelmed with all the information and have no idea where to start!
The next thing you know the product sits on the shelf and gathers dust because you don't use it.
But..That won't happen today!

I want you to know that I’ve designed Bodyweight Pilates with YOU in mind from start to finish.
It’s super important for me to know that you are completely comfortable, and that you have a complete program in your hands, that I’ve gone the extra mile.
I’ll be providing you with step-by-step educational tutorials so you can truly benefit from me teaching you how to properly execute each and every Bodyweight Pilates move.
The library of detailed tutorials and manuals provides you with illustrated descriptions of every move. Quickly and easily refer to this library whenever you need extra help with executing a move.

The program is designed into 3 easy to follow phases....
Phase 1: PRIME
This phase is the building block to the entire program.
This phase creates the foundation so you will learn the basic Pilates exercises.
- Simple, effective and enjoyable set of unique Pilates moves so that you never get bored.
- Strengthen your core from the inside out to prevent embarrassing leakage when laughing, sneezing or jumping.

- Melt away stubborn belly fat with unique exercises to ignite your metabolism, so that your jeans easily slide on.
- You'll begin to tighten and firm the most stubborn female problem areas and finally get the sexy fit body you've always dreamed of.
- Expert guidance for each workout series so that you execute each and every move safely, properly and in a very strategic powerful way.
So that it will help with success in Phases 2 and 3.
Phase 2: CORE
The Core phase...dedicated to fine tune the nuances of each series of Pilates movements.
- You'll combine what you learned in phase 1 to properly and correctly challenge your body so that you gradually intensify the movements.
- Start to feel your energy skyrocket and your metabolism rev up with phase 2 as you visibly see your waistline shrinking.
- Targets the most stubborn female problem areas like the saddlebags so you're excited and happy with the body you live in.

- Get a lean toned physique that you are proud of.
Transition from one movement to the next without adding cardio is the secret of the Bodyweight Pilates series to release the happy endorphins and get you to see a Flatter Tummy Faster than ever before.
Phase 3: SCULPT
And now Phase 3...this is where the real magic happens with Bodyweight Pilates.
It's time to combine all that you've learned from both Phase 1 and Phase 2 by combining them into this unique series of transitions to Sculpt the body that you're excited to live in.
- BOOST your metabolism to burn maximum calories in minimum time.
- Use Pilates to transform your body in ways you never thought possible.

- See Visual results within the very first week.
- Look and Feel Your sexiest ever! Feel the confidence to finally wear your "Skinny clothes" again.
- Experience all of this by reshaping, strengthening your body and de-stressing your life.
- Feel confident and sexy in your own skin.
- Get lean toned muscle definition that you'll feel proud of.
- Relieve yourself from joint pain and pressure.
- Be fully energized, healthy and present with your family and friends.
- Feel happy and excited to have the sexy toned body of your dreams.
- STOP peeing your pants when you laugh, sneeze or jump.
But wait...before we go any further
It's important for me to be 100% honest and upfront with you...
This program only works when you do...if you're not willing to invest 10 minutes a day...
Then Bodyweight Pilates is NOT for you.
Bodyweight Pilates is ONLY for Women Who...
- Are Fed Up with the Gimmicks, Expensive Studio Prices and Repetitive Classes.
- Ready to follow a Strategic, Powerful Progressive Approach to Pilates.
- Want Results that have been Tested and Proven.
Results like Brigette, who was finally able to Flatten Her Tummy or Stacy who "Got Rid of the Cellulite" or Lisa who went from "Being Embarrassed in how She Looked in Clothes to Feeling and Looking Her Sexiest Ever and myself who got my confidence back and a "Sexy Cellulite Free Body"

- If you want to Skyrocket Your Energy, BOOST Your Metabolism.
- Have a Tight Firm Plump Pilates Booty.
- Look and Feel Sexy in Your Own Skin.
- All While Experiencing the Physical and Healthy Benefits of Bodyweight Pilates
- Have the confidence that you won't pee when laughing or sneezing.
All While Experiencing the Physical and Healthy Benefits of Bodyweight Pilates
Then Bodyweight Pilates isn't just a system
It's the Only System For YOU!
Now at this point you may be starting to wonder if a Pilates system that can deliver all of this...
Is going to be extremely expense...
As a certified Pilates Practitioner, I see people in high-end over priced Pilates Studios and health clubs constantly paying hundreds and thousands of dollars for coaching that....
...doesn't even deliver a fraction of the results that you should expect with Bodyweight Pilates.

It's only natural that this one of a kind system costs a pretty penny. However, I'm not some high-end fancy Pilates Studio or some billion-dollar health club chain trying to rack up profits.
"I'm just a single-mom that knows and has seen first-hand all the amazing things Bodyweight Pilates can do for women."
Which is why I wanted to make certain that this system could help as many women as possible.
Without cost getting in the way...
Why Is the Bodyweight Pilates System Priced So Low?
Listen, I want to make this an absolute no-brainer for anyone who wants to flatten their tummy, firm and tone their body and melt away stubborn fat while eating all their favorite foods.
And, I figured we should start out at this low price, and make you a deal you can't refuse.
When I first started private and semi-private sessions at my private studio, I was charging $350 a week to work with me. Seeing that the program is 21 Days long, you can do the math on how much people were spending to get this unique system...
And even though my private clients saw amazing results and would have gladly paid more for this information, I understand that not everyone can afford to pay that much...
Which is why you won't pay anywhere near what they were paying. In fact, you'll be shocked at how low the price is for this system.
The truth is, the Bodyweight Pilates system and all the bonuses, are worth well over $297. But, for a very limited time, you can get the complete DONE-FOR-YOU system for a fraction of that price.
And...I will keep the price right where it's at if I feel we can still handle all the daily emails people are sending us (which is alot!) I still answer all your emails, which means you'll directly work with me. So to make 100% sure you get our full attention, if I start getting overwhelmed with emails, I will need to raise the price...
And, to be absolutely sure you are fully satisfied, I want to take all the risk off your shoulders today by giving you my ironclad 100% money back guarantee.

If you don't experience the most enjoyable body toning and firming experience Bodyweight Pilates has to offer that produces real results unlike anything you've ever tried before simply send me an email in the next 60 days and I'll be more than happy to promptly issue you a 100% refund.
I want to take all the risk and protect you with this no questions asked 100% money back satisfaction guaranteed.
So you don't risk a single penny out of your pocket to claiming a Stronger, Leaner, Sexier Body with Bodyweight Pilates today.
Brand New Release Price!
Regular Price: $97 Todays Price: $37
Yet, You're not just receiving Bodyweight Pilates today....
Listen...helping you to achieve the body you've always dreamed of is not enough.
I wanted to absolutely ensure that you have a complete and total system to radically radiant health and vitality.
That's why you also...
Get Absolutely FREE of charge 3 Special Bonuses when you get
started with Bodyweight Pilates today...which have a combined value of $297
That'll give you the most Effective Fastest Results, While Enjoying the Fun, Exciting Experience using the Pilates System, I Think You're Really Going to Love Them!
Here are the Bonuses You'll Be Receiving Today!
Workout Guides
Workout Guides
The Bodyweight Pilates Workout Guides provides you with the proper tools needed to get your workout in, anywhere, anytime.
Each Bodyweight Pilates guide is paired with Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the entire system. Instructions for each movement is provided to help you every step of the way.
Take them with you everywhere you go, and have a complete Bodyweight Pilates workout routine on hand.
As long as you have the bonus...'s 100% FREE for you to ensure I'm with you every step of the way...

Flexibility & Mobility Guide
Flexibility & Mobility Guide
The second bonus you'll be receiving today is the Mobility & Flexibility Guide.
This is a special unique series of flexibility moves to help stretch and Lengthen, Tight Sore Muscles and Smooth Cellulite....
Anytime you need a full relaxing de-stressing active recovery because of your busy on the go lifestyle!
- Whether it's work or financial stress.
- Or home and relationship stress that's weighing you down.
So many Bodyweight Pilates fans firmly stand by this bonus as being an Absolute Stress-Reliever and Cellulite Eliminator as a MUST Have!'re going to receive it 100% FREE when you start Bodyweight Pilates today!
Bodyweight Pilates Workout Calendars
Bodyweight Pilates Workout Calendars
The third bonus you'll be receiving today are the Bodyweight Pilates Workout Calendars.
This is a series of Beginner, Immediate and Advanced calendars for you to use along side your follow along videos.
Easily print them and take them with you for fast and convenient access to your daily workouts that'll help Flatten your Tummy, Lean your legs and Firm your Bum...

To assist you as you transition to a healthier, more energetic YOU, your program comes with three workout calendars. Each calendar takes you from total beginner through intermediate and into more advanced workouts that will last you a lifetime.'re going to receive it 100% FREE when you start Bodyweight Pilates today!
You're going to get Immediate Access to everything in the Bodyweight Pilates system along with the 3 Special Bonuses, the Super Convenient On-The-Go Workout Guides, and the Bodyweight Pilates Workout Calendars
Regular Price: 97 Todays Price...
Because I believe so strongly that you'll Visibly SEE a Flatter Tummy and the changes in your body and feel absolutely amazing with the life enhancing results from Bodyweight Pilates like so many real women already have....

Get immediate access to everything including the FULL Bodyweight Pilates series, the 3 Special Bonuses, On-The-Go Workout Guides, Flexibility & Mobility Guide and the Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Workout Calendars. All 100% Risk FREE.
I want you to follow in the footsteps of all the women who have transformed their Unattractive Bodies Into Sexy Physiques they LOVE!

Just Imagine how great it'll feel to finally have the Flat Tummy, Strong, Lean, Toned Body that you'll Experience for the First Time in your Life with Bodyweight Pilates!
- That you're doing so in the Comfort and Privacy of your Own Home and On Your Own Pace.
- On YOUR Schedule, Without Feeling Self-Conscious, Stressed or Judged.
- Instead...You'll Radiate Confidence and Pure Sexiness.
- Feel Younger, Healthier And SO Much Happier.
"You'll be confident to show off your flat tummy and firm booty in your favorite outfit or in a sexy pair of jeans because they contour and fit your Svelte curves and firm booty!"
Now, Click on the Buy Button Below...
Your Price Today: $37

P.S. I practice what I preach! Here I am 42 years old and finally feel confident on the beach.
My motto is to stay active and follow the journey of a happy more confident body, where you can finally enjoy your life!
P.P.S. Look: You have no risk and nothing to lose. If you are not satisfied 100%, I'll immediately refund every single penny.
P.P.P.S. Listen: If you're on the fence about investing in yourself and committing to a program that requires an effort and you aren't ready, I understand. You don't have to decide right now...When you take advantage of my Ironclad Guarantee and see results first then you can decide. Try the Bodyweight Pilates for a full 60 days and visibly see the results, or you pay absolutely nothing!
Your Price Today: $37
Have a Question?
It's Probably Already Answered Below!
It's Probably Already Answered Below!
Q: My friend lost 34lbs using your program, is that usual?
Although many women experience drastic weight loss, like I did, you may or may not experience the same results but when you follow the program, I guarantee you'll be successful.
Q: Do I need to add cardio?
No, that's the beauty of my Pilates program. Due to my expert program design, there is NO Need to add long boring and cortisol inducing cardio. You'll release the hormones that make you feel happy and also help release stubborn fat while doing my Body Beauty Pilates.
Q: Is Bodyweight Pilates a good enough workout?
Yes, the workouts are intense enough for you to do on a weekly basis to start seeing a transformation. The unique flow of each series makes the program elite in itself to provide you with the necessary tools for success.
Q: Will I need special equipment to perform these Pilates moves?
Not all at! That's the beauty of the entire program. The entire program is created to do in the comfort and privacy of your own home. If you'd like to add any resistance to the workouts you can use a stretch band.
Q: What if the Bodyweight Pilates moves are too hard?
For every single movement in the series I've given a modified version. You can tailor it to your fitness level. But, even the modified version is still challenging.
Your Price Today: $37
Q: What if I'm not in shape or a beginner, Do I need to be in shape to do the Bodyweight Pilates workouts?
No Way! You don't need to be in shape to get started or even know anything about Pilates. This detailed program will give you a step-by-step instructions to completing every move.
Q: Is the Bodyweight Pilates program designed for only women? or can men do them too?
The program has been designed specifically for women. However, many of my clients have shared the workouts with their significant other and they have gotten tremendous results. So if you're a guy and want a strong defined core, stunning looking abs and increased physical performance then I recommend you giving it a try.
Q: How long will it take to get my product?
We are eco-friendly here! Which means the entire Bodyweight Pilates series, including the special bonuses are instantly accessible directly after your purchase. You can download your product via PDF and access everything on your computer or any mobile device.
Your Price Today: $37
Q: What if I'm not familiar and don't know an exercise?
No need to worry. You have access to a library of tutorials with each movement. With follow-along videos of all exercises in the manual and bonuses.
Q: How are the workouts setup?
All the workouts are sequenced in repetition or time circuits for you to maximize your workout time, maximize fat burning and conditioning.
The 3 Phases include follow along videos, with an option of doing 1, 2 or 3 rounds, just replay the follow along video as many times as you like.
Each workout in the phase build and progress as you increase in strength and endurance.
Q: What is all included?
The Bodyweight Pilates series includes everything you see above. Tons of tutorials, all three components: Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 which include follow along workouts. A Quickstart guide to get you started right away.
PLUS, all the special bonuses: Flexibility & Mobility Guide, Workout Guides and access to the Core Community.
Your Price Today: $37
Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a "typical" result is. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is your ability to follow through. There is no such thing as a Magic Bullet. Your effort will determine your results.
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